Ottawa Tulip Festive

$110 / per person

Heading to the Ottawa Tulip Festival is like walking into a cool outdoor party where tulips are the stars. Plus, there's always something happening, like art popping up where you least expect it or live tunes that make you want to dance. It's the kind of place where you can just hang out, soak in good vibes, and maybe learn a thing or two. So, if you're thinking about checking it out, you're in for a treat that's easy on the eyes and great for the soul.


  • The festival kicks off with an Opening Ceremony and wraps up with a Closing Ceremony.
  • A unique Drone Show Finale lights up the sky.
  • The Blacklight Boardwalk can serve a good evening stroll for individuals or groups.
  • For families, Tulip Town / Kids Zone provides entertainment and activities for younger visitors.


  • Byward Market Blooms is one of Ottawa's most famous markets.
  • The Movies & More in the Park area offers free screenings and interactive games.
  • Visitors can shop for unique items at the Tulip Market / Ottawa Artisans.
  • There is Operation Manna Sound & Light Show.

Tour Plan


Day 1: Departure

As you leave your home behind, think of all the cool spots in Ottawa waiting for you.


Day 2: City Tour

Snap some photos, chill on the grass, and just soak it all in.


Day 3: Leisure

Relax and enjoy yourself. This could be an opportunity to have some peace and quiet.


Day 4: Cultural viewpoint

Check out some museums or maybe catch a live show.


Day 5: Return

As the journey wraps up, take a moment to just breathe and take it all in.

Tour Location

Ottawa sits pretty along the Ottawa River. It's known for its stately government buildings, like the iconic Parliament Hill, but it's also a place where nature meets city life, especially during tulip season, when the city turns into a canvas of beautiful colors.

Hystory of the City

The Ottawa Tulip Festival has a heartwarming origin, born from gratitude and friendship. Post-World War II, the Netherlands sent over tulips as a thank you to Canada for its aid and for sheltering the Dutch royal family. What started as a gesture of thanks has blossomed into the largest tulip festival in the world, symbolizing peace, friendship, and renewal.

Book This Tour

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